Available at the

Jackson Country
Historical and Genealogical Society


"What You Always
Wanted To Know About Ocean Springs and Gautier, but..."

 is a historical odyssey of the people, with all their foibles, and the times, with all their peculiarities, of two cities in south Mississippi It is a tale full of heroes and scoundrels, explorers and fisherman, people of great ideals, and people on the lam from the law. The story begins in 1699 when Iberville landed on the Mississippi coast, and ends...yesterday.

This is the second book in the history series of Jackson County, Mississippi. See Book one.

Book cover image depicts a gunfight that occurred on the main street of Ocean Springs in 1881. The gunfighters however were not a couple of Old West outlaws. They were a pair of Jackson County’s leading citizens. Art by Lance Ganey, www.freelanceganey.com.

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All proceeds go to the Jackson County Historical and Genealogical Society.

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